About Me

I am a GIS Analyst with 10 years of experience working at an environmental consultant.

I am interested in learning more about web mapping and have started this site to explore web mapping. I will use this space to create web maps and show the code that I have used.

My experience in GIS has been focused on using ArcGIS for analysis and map making. I have learned how to use ArcPy to automate analysis and map production. I still use Model Builder in many situations over ArcPy as I feel I am faster with it. More complicated analysis that includes iterating through many datasets or reading in an manipulating csvs are where I use ArcPy to make my life easier.

My goal with this site is to use it to showcase some of the Python skills I have learned while also expanding into web mapping. I have limited experience using JavaScript and will be starting by creating web maps using ArcGIS API for JavaScript. I will then be looking to explore more open source options like leaflet.

In addition to creating and displaying web maps I will be documenting how I get the sites I create on the internet. A big block for me has always been how to take what I can create on my local and display it as a web map for others to see. I want to be able to document that process in a way that allows other people looking to learn similar techniques as me a place to see examples.

Because my goal is more about web mapping, JavaScript, and getting my data on the web I have decided to use a template site. This template is the spatial template from templated.co as opposed to building out my own css from scratch. I have made changes to the css, but they are limited to colors, padding, and margin. I know that more css knowledge will be needed as I go on to create more personalized web maps.

Why not Wordpress? Because in all my research I have been unable to see how to incorporate ArcGIS API for JavaScript and/or leaflet into WordPress sites. I'm sure it is possible but I have not been able to find any good tutorials and I tend to get frustrated with the lack of control in the code I have when working in WordPress.