
This map was created with publicly available data and uses the Leaflet JavaScript library to render the data. I will make updates to the function of the map as I am using it to learn more about Leaflet.

The goal of the map is to show COVID-19 positive rates in Alameda County. Clicking on a Zip Code will show a simple pop up with the Zip Code and Percent Positive Rate.

The map also overlays the percent minority in each census tract. I have defined percent minority as anyone non white in the US Census Population by Race and Hispanic Origin table (B03002).

Data Sources

COVID-19 positivity rate data is provided by Alameda County by zip code. The data is provided here and can be downloaded or displayed using the provided API.

The ArcGIS REST service for the US Census data is ACS 5 year 2015-2019 vintage located here.

The COVID-19 fully vaccinated data is provided by Alameda County by zip code. The data is provided here and can be displayed using that link as the API.